Forgive lack of posts lately.  I have a bunch of work to post, but I'm scrambling to re-adjust to the US soil.
Forgive me for a lack of posts lately, I am finishing up my internship, and undergoing a search for employment, and I'm pretty busy with this task.  Expect a new reel and a rebrand of myself on my portfolio site shortly.
Wow, this blog needs a refresh.  I am looking to combine my motion, illustration, and sketches all into one beautiful place, making my tumblr a reference, one-off sketches, and inspiration blog.
New Module = character animation

While looking through styles, I am falling in love with illustration all over again, and I need to practice everyday, not just once every other day.  Ah I could really love making a living making concept illustrations and character designs too.
New videos are being built along a production line and delivered to you in real time.

This is all student work.
About Me
About Me
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Brooklyn, NY, United States
I am currently living in Copenhagen, Denmark recently graduated from Hyper Island's Motion Graphics Designer and Developer long-term program. I am an animation intern at Frame.
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